
“Beauty is the shimmer of the true” –A. Jodorowsky

Letting go with dream interpretation and astrology

I help people who feel lost to find beauty in the twists and turns of their lives through dream interpretation and astrology.

Cécile B.

Cécile B.

Artist, truth seeker and interpreter of the symbolic language of dreams and the stars

Latest blog posts

Articles and videos on dream interpretation, astrology and many other fascinating topics.

Inspiring notebooks and diaries

Creative notebook

Your creativity is divine, use it to spread beauty and harmony in this world.

This notebook was created from an original painting by Cécile B.“Beautiful Chaos” or the art of self-acceptance.

The Beauty Letter

Transformation inspirations in your email box

Subscribe to the Beauty Letter and receive the latest Cherche la Beauté news and inspiring diaries and notebooks from time to time.

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