“Beauty is the shimmer of the true” –A. Jodorowsky
Letting go with dream interpretation and astrology
Guiding those who seek clarity during life’s confusing moments, using dream interpretation and astrology to reveal the beauty within.

Cécile B.
Artist, truth seeker and interpreter of the symbolic language of dreams and the stars
Latest blog posts
Articles and videos on dream interpretation, astrology and many other fascinating topics.
The 3 benefits of astrology on our well-being
Astrology and well-being? Well yes, understanding what is happening in our lives and in the lives of others thanks to the positions of the planets at our birth and in the present allows us to let go and improve our mental health.
Archetypes and their mysteries
What are archetypes? What do they have to do with our lives?
The Mysteries of the Ankh Cross
Cross of life, it is of African origin and is one of the oldest symbols of humanity.
Learning to love yourself with your flaws, finding your chaos beautiful, here's what happened to me in 2020
Interpreting dreams – Round table with dream therapists
Do you think that dreaming of a chase, a snake or even a monster has nothing to do with what is happening in your current life? The guests of this round table will try to explain to us how to use this tool to help us overcome our blockages that prevent us from realizing our earthly dreams.
Interview Emeline Denis – Founder of La Très Zen and La Très Chic
Entrepreneur of Chic and Shock, Emeline Denis is a fulfilled Londoner beauty seeker... Listen to his delightful interview.
The Beauty Letter
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