Relieving guilt, helping non-judgment and exalting the feeling of Love for others. These are the three benefits of astrology that I’ve experienced since I first became interested in this ancestral art in 2020, during confinement, and which have contributed to the improvement of my well-being and that of the people I’ve consulted.
It’s said that astrology comes to us, and indeed, one fine morning I woke up and asked: “But who said that Sagittarius loves travel and foreign lands?”. An existential metaphysical question (the story of my whole life) that propelled me into this world full of mysteries. Once you’ve had a taste of astrology, you can’t really get out, so many discoveries fill the Sagittarius in me with wonder! If this question interests you, I suggest you watch THE video that made me dive into the infinite ocean of astrology. It’s François Barthomeuf’s explanation of the fascinating origins of astrology (in French), which lie in the plant cycle.
Relieving guilt thanks to the North/South Node axis
When I began to understand the lunar axis north node / south node, which is actually our life path and the North Star that we follow in our lives, I finally understood why all my attempts to make art (drawing, painting, music among others) had failed miserably! What a relief! Indeed, having a north node in Virgo and a south node in Pisces (reflection of the previous life), my soul was incarnated on this Earth with the skills of Pisces, the most spiritual and artistic sign of the zodiac.
Unfortunately, it is mainly its flaws that prevail at the beginning of life, such as the quest for the impossible absolute for example, an incessant need for uniqueness, of searching for something common between everything, a high intuition but without rational explanation. My goal is to seek out the qualities of the opposite sign Virgo: detail, precision, distrust, definition, investigation from all angles, cleaning of impurities…
The idea for me is therefore to bring structure and precision into my works and to purify them. I realized that my current life corresponded perfectly to this path of life, that I had instinctively moved towards it and that I was on the right track. What a relief! The aspects between the planets are also very important, if not the most important in astrology, and there too, knowing them is a relief!
Help for absolute non-judgment
“Judgment”, in the language of birds, can be understood as “The Judge Lies” which immediately makes us understand that truth cannot be known, only God or the Source of creation knows what is and our attempts to judge others all the time are futile.
Also, as Myriam Fassio, a very spiritual psychoanalyst, says, judgment is like a rubber band: when it lets go, it comes back on us, and that hurts, because everything we judge, we’ll experience one day or another.
When we know that every script of life is inscribed in the stars, how can we judge someone? For example, how can we judge someone who tries to shine in society at all costs when he or she has a North Node in Leo? How do you judge someone who sinks into the dark side when he or she has many planets in the 8th house or Scorpio? How do you judge someone who is extremely slow when he or she is in Taurus? The examples are endless.
Exalting the feeling of Love for others
Finally, the last of the three benefits of astrology, in my opinion, flows from the previous one. Just as Venus is in a state of exaltation in Pisces, this non-judgment gently leads us to a little taste of unconditional Love. Indeed, astrology allows us to Love what is and see the beauty in it. For me, beauty is seeing the world as it is, without separating good from evil, at a higher level of consciousness. The middle voice. To love is not to feel emotions; to love, in my opinion, is to let go of our ambitions, of our will to control our life, to accept the script of it as it comes to us in waves, savouring each event, observing and seeing others as we do. Obviously, at a very down-to-earth level of consciousness, it’s impossible to find beauty when faced with illness, accidents, atrocities or death. It takes faith and a deep knowledge of the afterlife and what’s going on in the invisible world to understand and see beauty there.
I’m writing these 3 benefits of astrology on our well-being today, and maybe in 5 years’ time I’ll have a different point of view! In the meantime, contact me to find out about your major birth or current challenges during an open donation consultation.
✨ Let’s seek beauty everywhere ✨