In my own way of returning to the sources that I have been traveling for years, I wish to share with you my discoveries of the year 2020 which have overwhelmed me. We can say that in these times, the pace of Revelations is accelerating enormously.
Extraordinary news for any seeker of truth
Hieroglyphics can be decoded with obviousness thanks to modern African languages.
Indeed, we can now understand part of the magnificent symbolism of these so mysterious writings, and which are at the origin of all spiritual science that we know in the West, Astrology, Tarot, Alchemy, Numerology and many obviously the Abrahamic religions…
This language of ancient Egypt is still alive! It is reborn from its ashes like the phoenix as well as all the revelations about Africa and its Kemet people, thanks to brilliant intellectuals like Cheikh Anta Diop , Théophile Obenga , and many others that I am discovering little by little.
Understand the true symbolism of hieroglyphs
For example, Dibombari Mbock teaches us how to analyze hieroglyphs with his Kuma method. You can watch his videos on his Youtube channel A contrario , but also register for his Ecole des Scribes which I had the opportunity to test for a few months.
I am creating a “very beginner” course to teach and learn hieroglyphs at the same time . I will try to explain what I understood, while knowing that it is a long road and that I will make other even more beautiful discoveries…
The beauty of the Kongo language
I love listening to Lemi Luvedila on his YouTube channel La Religion Centrale , because he explains the energetic nature of this language and also where what is said in the Bible comes from, which is complemented with the research of Josias Melo Nzeyitu on the Kikongo language which is the oldest language in the world and which is a language that is logical and scientific. Listen to this conference , and you will understand the extreme beauty of this language.
A holistic search for beauty
As a seeker of beauty and truth, I will draw lessons from various teachings around the world and in all cultures, which allows me to cross-check, merge, subtract all the information I receive and notice that everything complements each other. perfectly but with slight differences.
I am a Khepri, this sacred beetle which goes back on the way to the source, which rolls its ball of shit (and it’s big!) upside down, guided by the stars, to be able to go back to the Source and hatch my creations with the magic waters of the flood of the Nile, the Noon…